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How it works

Capital raising process to raise capital from pre-qualified and relevant investors


Shortlist active investors from our network

From our network of around 30,000+ investors, our targeted business development model and investor qualification process will pre-qualify and shortlist relevant investors.

Generating key investor requirements and intelligence

Our consultants are in continuous discussions with the investors to further qualify them and generate the following information:

  • Investor type
  • Role in the organization to ensure only decision makers attend
  • AUM
  • Personal investment authority
  • Amount they are looking to allocate over the next 3-12 months
  • Areas of interest for future allocation
  • Countries/regions of interest for future allocation

Pre-Qualification Process

Information collected from the shortlisted Investors is passed over for review and selection of investors to target. We then contact relevant investors on your behalf, create awareness, and confirm their interest in your investment product.

Format and delivery of efficient virtual 1:1 meetings

We market the client’s offering among suitable investors and invite interested parties to video calls. This has proven to be the best method to introduce our clients to investors, but we also organise in-person meetings if required by the investor.

Post- Meeting Follow-Up

Raise Capital

We charge both a retainer and a bonus fee on capital raised from investors introduced by us. The size of both the retainer and the commission is defined by the number of markets targeted.

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